Every four years, we have a presidential election. It draws more people out to vote because the direction of the country is on the line. But please don’t forget about the down-ballot races. We have state races this year and six ballot proposals that deserve your attention.
As we head into fall, we’d like to remind you that this is the height of the storm season. Flooding and power outages are likely, so please be prepared. The weather is cooling down and it’s what I call “walking weather.” Not too hot, not too cold, but just right to enjoy a fall stroll. We want you to be safe as you enjoy the neighborhood. Please come to our next meeting to hear how the 104th Precinct plans to protect us. And as we say goodbye to summer, I’d like to thank our musical director and First VP, Gary Colter, for arranging another outstanding lineup of bands at Juniper Valley Park this year. Enjoy Halloween, Thanksgiving and everything else the season has to offer.
Anthony Nunziato