The New York Post reported in July that arrests at shelters doubled citywide at the beginning of 2024 due in large part to the migrant influx. That’s a lot of police resources being diverted to a totally avoidable problem. On top of that, a survey of migrant mothers with children who were selling candy in the subway revealed that they drag their kids around with them because of a lack of childcare. The answer from the mayor was to provide more migrant childcare programs. Then we have the case of the 13-year-old girl who was raped by an illegal alien in Kissena Park. It turns out he had been picked up before by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and a deportation order was issued but never enforced. The City is also giving out 7300 more pre-paid debit cards to migrants. There had been hope that the most recent Charter Commission would allow a referendum vote on whether to maintain NYC’s sanctuary city status, but they chose not to include it on their list of questions despite thousands of signatures supporting the effort. Close the border and stop the madness.