Investigation has revealed that the man who was buried nearly two months ago in St. John’s Cemetery as Louis Jasuikaio of Maspeth, really was John Rogosha, also of Maspeth. The mistake was originally made by Tony Melka, 17 Clinton Avenue, Maspeth, a cousin of both Jasuikaio and Rogosha, who was notified by the authorities of the death in the Home of the Aged and Infirm on Welfare Island. Rogosha was buried and all his relatives thought it was Jasuikaio until several days ago, when Jasuikaio appeared on the streets near his home.

Melka was notified of the death of Rogosha by mail. He does not read English and turned the notification over to Joseph Urban, an undertaker of Fiske Avenue, Maspeth who went to Blackwells Island, secured the body, brought it to Maspeth and later buried it. The relatives and friends of Jasuikaio all viewed the body and attended the funeral, believing it to be his funeral. When he appeared on the street in full health recently, an investigation was started to find out who was buried. This investigation led to the discovery that it was Rogosha.

The only problem now confronting the relatives of Rogosha is the question of who shall pay to have the name changed on the tombstone. The funeral expenses were paid by a Polish society of which both men are members.