The JPCA was alarmed to learn that the Queen's Museum of Art has an exhibition highlighting graffiti. It was done in connection with the Phun Phactory in Long Island City. Following is part of our brief conversation with Jean-Paul Maitinsky from the QMA's Education Department.

JPCA “Do you have any idea how this could damage our communities trying to defeat graffiti?”

QMA “Well, we haven't really taken that into consideration, but it won't, I'm sure.”

JPCA “Have you checked with anyone? Claire Shulman?”

QMA “No…”

JPCA “What will you do when you're wrong and graffiti goes rampant around your museum and our homes?”

QMA “Oh well, then I guess I'll have to admit I was wrong.”

We were also dismayed to learn some of our educator's think this is okay, they even have students being bussed in to view this “artwork.” We also uncovered the fact that the museum was not allowed to know the vandals real names, obviously due to them being sought by the police. JPCA is in the process in uncovering that some of the vandals that worked on the pieces are widely known and wanted for vandalism by the local precincts.

Following is an excerpt from the Queen's Museum of Art's Mission Statement:

“The Queens Museum of Art will create and present artistic and educational programs and exhibitions which directly relate to the contemporary urban life of its constituents while maintaining the highest standards of professional, intellectual, and ethical responsibility.”

We feel they have not shown any professional, intellectual, or ethical responsibility by hosting this display and helping criminals wreak havoc on our communities.