We knew this white brick colonial house was to be our house when we saw the large backyard. 75×100, that’s considered big acreage for this neighborhood in Queens. Additionally, the backyard was a fully private area, with large trees and large bushes shielding us from the neighbors to the right, to the left and across the back. We knew this was to be our Garden of Eden, our Botanical Garden. Mother Nature welcomed us. We have lived in this house for over 60 years, and she continues to afford us joy.

A view from the glass door into the yard brings a constantly changing seasonal panorama. Winter’s view lays a white blanket of snow across the lawn. The branches of the giant oaks and maples are trimmed in soft white powder. Spring surprises us each year with the return of white lace blossoms which always remember to become small red sour cherries. Summer, it’s time to open the patio umbrella, dress the metal chairs with the blue striped cushions and zipper the blue floral tablecloth. Autumn an artist’s palette of orange, red, yellow, and brown paint the trees. Add the blue sky and nature has presented a rainbow of color.

We visit Mother Nature in the backyard. We turn on the two water fountains. The birds splash each other like children playing in a lake. Mother Nature has invited us to eat al fresco light lunches or grilled barbecues. The floor show is the dessert time treat. We turn our chairs to enjoy the scene of the birds dining on the sunflower seeds in the blue hanging bird feeder. The sparrows, wrens, and cardinals race each other to poke their heads into the little openings in the feeder. A nibble on the seed sends a portion to the ground for the heavy red breasted robins to enjoy. One time, we even saw a yellow finch. The chirping, twilling, warbling, and tweeting Late June welcomes us to pick the bountiful crop of sour cherries. Canning them with peeled peaches into 12 Mason jars will provide us with winter dessert.

sends a symphony of music to the scene. Composers have been motivated to write classical compositions celebrating feathered friends’ inspiration. Spring sprays the area with the perfume of the magnolia tree. Late June welcomes us to pick the bountiful crop of sour cherries. Canning them with peeled peaches into 12 Mason jars will provide us with winter dessert.

Mother Nature continues to bring us a sense of calmness, a sense of appreciation for life. It is no wonder nature is personified as a mother figure. She is dependable and reliable to repeat her cyclical order.