Do not let anyone discourage you!

The music is playing, and I lament the past, the present, and the future. Thinking positively, I will take in all the sights the world has to offer. One needs more than one life to see the entire world. Mind beginning to wonder, listening to a familiar song, Hallelujah.

How fortunate for me being born in Corona, Queens, New York City, in abject poverty, living in a basement apartment and every time there was heavy rain, the apartment flooded.

Raised by a wonderful, strong, single parent – my mom, who showered us with an abundance of love, strength, and hope, she was a treasure of kindness. Mama, I hope I told you how much I loved you for giving me the strength to pursue my wishes and dreams. Mama, thank you for all you gave me. Blessed to have you as my mother.

Growing up, you encouraged me to pursue my dreams. At seventeen, I flew to Paris, the city of love, laughter, and light. Went as a boy, returned as a man.

I remember in the sixth grade one teacher told me I would amount to nothing! Another teacher encouraged me. I listened. I learned.

Positive thinking was the only way for me, and I wondered why one teacher was so negative, and the other so positive? Mr. L said I was an illiterate who could not spell or write, and I would just become a dirty laborer for the rest of my life if I could find work. Mr. L, you were wrong. I went on to receive two master’s degrees, one in history, the other in museum studies, and conservation of artifacts. I earned a New York State Archivist License and Certification as an English as a Second Language Teacher. Mr. L, I have published over 1,149 pieces of literature, wrote two books, and traveled all over the world to read my poetry. I am the winner of 108 awards including The Rainer Maria Rilke International Poetry Competition, 1999.

Raised by a wonderful, strong single parent my mom, who showered us with an abundance of love, strength, and hope, she was a treasure of kindness, love, and strength.

On April 6, 2017, my poem, “A View from a Tower in Calabria,” was sculpted into marble in Monteroso, Calabro, Calabria, Italy.

Another unique publication was manifest in The Idaho Potato Museum, (circa) 2018. My poem, “Idaho” was mounted on the wall of The Museum. The subject was a potato.

Mr. L, despite you, I became a teacher, and have encouraged all my students to excel in all their wishes, to pursue their dreams, and make them come to fruition. Yes, Mr. L, I fulfilled my purpose, found great satisfaction, and had a rewarding career. Mr. L, no teacher should ever discourage a student from reaching their greatest potential.

Mr. L, I give you a Grade of F.