The results of a study by the NYC Department of Transportation found that the average speed on both Juniper Boulevard North and South exceeded the 30 MPH limit with most motorist traveling over 40MPH. The DOT reported that it had measured speeds as high as 62 MPH. They recommended stepped up enforcement on the boulevards.
The DOT report and study confirms what the Juniper Park Civic Association has been saying for years, that cars routinely travel at excessive speeds on the boulevards. The 104th Precinct promised more enforcement.
Just days after the report was released an automobile, apparently traveling at a high rate of speed, crashed through the guard rail on the corner of Juniper Boulevard North and Lutheran Avenue and came within feet of plunging down the railroad embankment.
In this accident, the driver a 20 year old male and his passenger 19 year old passenger, both from Rego Park, were not seriously hurt although the driver was taken to Elmhurst Hospital for tests.
The passenger told witnesses at the scene that they had just gone out for a joy ride. The auto is owned by the driverβs aunt and the car had Pennsylvania plates.
Community Board Five, transportation committee is studying the boulevards and will report their recommendations soon. Police Officer, Joe McCall, Traffic Safety Officer for the 104th Precinct, recommended two stop signs each for Juniper Boulevard North and South.
A recommendation is also being looked at by elected officials to install a median (raised island) on the boulevards to help pedestrians cross and slow traffic. However the DOT has estimated the price as high as $1.2 million for the project, which would require a capital project. The JPCA has members on the CB5 Transportation Committee and the full community Board and is working with elected officials to address the situation.
Additionally, on March 27th, Borough President Claire Shulman held a meeting at Borough Hall, to discuss safety measures around Juniper Valley Park. Representing the JPCA were board members, Frank Caputo and Lorraine Sciulli. A report of that meeting will be released shortly.