The Juniper Park Civic Association started off 2009 by calling attention to the recent Board of Standards and Appeals decision to allow a cell tower atop a residential property adjacent to Frank's Deli at 53-20 72nd Place in Maspeth. NY1 filed this story on Monday, January 5th.

Also that day, JPCA held a press conference in front of BSA headquarters at 40 Rector Street in Manhattan. Attending the press conference were members of the media from Fox 5, Daily News, Times Newsweekly, the Korean Times and other news outlets.

Left to right: Reinhold Stehle, member of Ridgewood Property Owners and Civic Association, JPCA Executive Board Members Bob Doocey, Manny Caruana and Dieter Keppler and Councilman Avella.

Councilman Tony Avella has introduced legislation that would abolish the BSA, which currently has the last word on developers' appeals to nonconform to the zoning code.