Brooklyn Eagle: June 15, 1894 • Louis Herrmann, aged about 77 years, shot himself on the Fresh Pond Road, near the crematory in Middle Village yesterday afternoon with a large caliber revolver. The bullet passed through his head and he died instantly. Coroner Brandon was notified and took charge of the body. Herrmann, some time ago, worked in John Sutter’s marble yard. His last residence is at present not known.

To the Coroner of Queens County: A clear case. Please keep my body for cremation. All will be paid for promptly.
– Louis Herrmann.
Louise and W., I can’t stand the loss of mother. I hope you will forgive me. Father, forgive me.
Undertaker, please keep me here till cremated and then put my ashes on my wife’s grave. Please don’t take me home. – Louis Herrmann.

Attached to the revolver was a card, upon which was written “W. Faul’s property.” The body is now at Skelton’s undertaking establishment in Newtown