Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

Mr. Mayor,

Once again, under your direction and control, a pack of dogs menaced Middle Village resident Gary Colter and his wife and two sons this morning at 9:20AM as they walked through Juniper Park to attend Sunday Mass.

Gary immediately notified 311 who converted it to a 911 call, but was unable to remain on the scene because it was far too dangerous, and, because he wanted to be on time for Sunday Mass.

Not only were the dogs unleashed after the completion of the 9AM “Courtesy Hours” but also there was now a 12-foot hole in the chicken wire fence erected by Parks Department to keep people from using the dog’s portion of the park. The only persons with an interest in cutting a hole in the fence are the dog owners who are never satisfied with whatever portion of the park is illegally given over to them. I guess we now have “Little People” Vs “Big Dogs,” and you are clearly rooting for the dogs. And we now have a rule (part of the Unwritten “successful” 20-year Courtesy Hours Policy) that dogs have reserved use of the parks.

So, we are now at the point that, under your direction and control, a family is threatened on their way to Sunday Mass. Sort of like the Southern towns back in the days of Bull Connor and the hooded hat crowd.

Since there’s no sane explanation for any of this, the question becomes: Is this all due to simple miserable misanthropic bigotry, or is there money flowing from those with a profit interest in dogs (pet food, pet supplies) to those who are your appointees? This is a serious question, asked seriously.

Does Benepe hide from this question? Frieden?

Do you shrink from the question? What’s your plan?

Robert E. Doocey
Middle Village

P.S. Once you read this Warning Label, published by the loudest advocate of unleashing the dogs, then explain to us why an unleashed dog running throughout the park is safer than an unleashed dog in a confined area.

Naturally, if a dog can be so dangerous, why is it loose at all? Ask Benepe.

Now you know. You cannot say you weren't warned.