The morning of July 13th, a 64-year-old male cyclist was traveling northbound on Lutheran Avenue. According to police, near the intersection of Juniper Boulevard North, a 71-year-old driver made a U-turn and then backed into a parking space, hitting the cyclist in the process. The man was taken to the hospital with a serious leg injury. Although exact details of this incident have not been released, reckless driving around the park has been a longstanding problem, with traffic lights and speed humps installed in an attempt to slow cars down and reduce the danger. With a pre-school and grammar school located in the vicinity, it is of utmost importance to clamp down on drivers who speed and endanger the public with negligent driving practices
Photo: Park users try to aid bicyclist trapped underneath car in scene on the morning of Wednesday, July 13th on Lutheran Avenue near the corner of Juniper Boulevard North. Photo was taken before emergency responders arrived. Driver (white shirt) right sitting on the grass, is being comforted by passerby.