Juniper Civic to Hold Candidates’ Night at October 28th Town Meeting

The next town meeting will be held on October 28th at Our Lady of Hope Auditorium, Eliot Avenue and 71st Street. The highlight of the evening will be a candidates night/debate. Candidates running for governor, state senate, and state assembly have been invited. Questions from the audience will also be featured. All are welcome to attend. For more information please call 718-651-5865 or visit

JPCA Expands No Eggs Campaign
The Juniper Park Civic Association is again expanding its Halloween safety campaign to other police precincts in Queens County. The campaign dubbed, “Operation Cooperation,” is asking merchants in the neighborhoods to voluntarily pledge not to sell eggs and shaving cream to minors during Halloween week. The campaign has worked successfully in the 104th Precinct for over 10 years.

Each Halloween hundreds of egg throwing and vandalism incidents occur throughout the City of New York. “Egg throwing often sparks violence leading to serious injuries and deaths,” said Robert Holden, president of the Juniper Civic and founder of the program back in 1995. Halloween vandalism also costs residents, merchants, and the city over $1 million each year in cleanup and repair bills. Parents should monitor their kids’ activities to see that egg throwing and other forms of vandalism are not part of their children’s Halloween celebration.

The JPCA is making available the posters to merchants and police precincts wishing to participate. The posters read: “We Respect the Community, NO EGGS or Shaving Cream Sold to Minors This Week.” The name of the commanding officer of each participating precinct is displayed on the poster. Merchants hang the posters in their shops to alert minors that the establishment is working with the police and community on the program.
For more information please call: 718-651-5865.

JPCA to Organize Tree Planting Day in Juniper Valley Park.

The Juniper Park Civic Association is planning a fall planting event in Juniper Valley Park in November on a day to be announced. The JPCA is planning to replace the trees lost during the September 16th storm. The NYC Department of Parks is planning to remove the remaining stumps from the downed trees. Individuals or groups willing to volunteer time for the plantings should call 718-651-5865 or email:
The JPCA and Dr. Michael Alboro are also planning a benefit concert later this year to raise funds for the park.

Send Storm Stories & Photos

Send the Juniper Berry your storm stories and photos. The Juniper Berry is planning a follow-up article on the aftermath of the September 16th storm that devastated Middle Village and Forest Hills. Residents are urged to email photos and stories to
Photos should be saved as jpegs or pdf format in high resolution mode. The Juniper Berry is particularly interested in unique storm stories and eyewitness accounts of the storm.
Many residents of the northern section of Middle Village remember the 1985 storm that also brought down dozens of trees. That storm also hit in September but there was little news coverage of the event. The Juniper Berry is planning to print photos of the 1985 storm in the next issue.