The Middle Village Live Poultry Market, located on Hinman street (66th street) and Cooper Avenue, Middle Village, is catering to a large clientele of satisfied customers. During the holiday season, especially, the store is being well patronized. A short time ago the business was taken over by Joseph Krieger and his sons. Negotiations were immediately made for the transportation of live poultry from Indiana. These are shipped by the carload to the Middle Village headquarters. Only choice birds are included, and they are sold to the people of the community at lowest prices. Since taking possession of the store, the Krieger family has been doing all in their power to please Middle Village folks. They believe they are offering the finest quality poultry, as fresh as it is possible to procure it. A visit to the shop during the holiday season, when more poultry is eaten than at any season of the year, will convince those who have not become steady customers. The market is catering to many wedding parties and social gatherings held in Middle Village. Attractive shopping bags are given with every purchase.
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