Dear Editor,

On May 6th, State Assemblyman Brian Barnwell came to Maspeth High School and presented proclamations to over a dozen students from the Maspeth Making a Differ-ence after school club for volunteering this past winter to remove snow from Senior Citizen residences in the surrounding neighborhoods. The club is continuing to make a difference by removing graffiti and litter from 57th Avenue to Grand Avenue to Juniper Valley Park. Many local businesses have hung signs in their windows in support of the school’s assistance in beautifying the neighborhood. There’s always work to be done. We are looking to continue to make a positive difference in the community, by not only cleaning it up, but by spreading some cheer. We hope to accomplish this by doing an ice cream sandwich giveaway at Juniper Valley Park in June. The pandemic has had a negative impact on all of us, but hopefully this small gesture will brighten everyone’s day, even for a few minutes.

Mr. Jesse Pachter
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, Maspeth High School