When Application to Local Fire House for ‟Rainmaker” Failed, Hose is Used
The Chat of Brooklyn, July 28, 1928

In spite of the lack of a Fire Department shower, the children at the playground in P. S. 73, Mazeau street and 54th avenue, Maspeth, manage to keep cool with artificial rainstorms. Application was made to the local fire house for a shower for the playground, but no shower stands were available, so with the aid of the custodian of the building a garden hose was attached to one of the taps in the building. The boys take turns playing “rainmaker” and direct the cooling streams of water into the air so that they fall in a fine rain on the scores of children who stand under in bathing suits. “Over this way!” “Rain here!” “More rain!” and “I ain’t gonna rain no more!” are some of the exhortations of the “bathers” to the current “rain maker.” But in spite of the adoration accorded them, “rain makers” are glad to doff the crown and don the ordinary, but comfortable bathing suit and add their cries to the general plea for “rain, more rain and still more rain.” So, Vacation Playground 73 has a continuous rainy day, even though the sun shines. The attendance at the playground keeps growing and all the activities are in full swing. The girls are preparing for a punchball game with the team of Vacation Playground J, Ridgewood, and the boys are practicing dodgeball and passball. In addition, there are baby swings and slides and a fully equipped kindergarten class where clever work is being turned out by the small children. B. Goldberger is principal; Miss M. McElwain is in charge of physical training for the girls: Miss M. Shamroy is pianist and Miss M. Lewis is Kindergarten teacher.

Unprovoked Attack by a Gang of Young Rowdies
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 22, 1874
Several rowdy youths from this city, while out in the vicinity of the Maspeth avenue Bridge over Newtown Creek on Monday, committed a felony upon a lad named Conrad Szin, aged 11 years, in this wise. The boy had come from Maspeth to fish and had hooked in a few shiners when the young ruffians came along. They first tried to take away his fish, failing in which one of the gang drew a pistol and deliberately shot Conrad in the right leg above the knee. That the boy’s life was not taken was probably more the result of accident than design upon the part of the assailant. Dr. Feeley extracted the bullet from Conrad’s leg and made him as comfortable as possible under the painful circumstances. The victim was unable to give a description of any of the gang sufficient to establish their identity.

Many Animals Liberated by Trolley Collision in Middle Village and Farmers Arm Themselves
New York Times, August 12, 1900
An ambulance of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals containing thirty dogs was struck by a trolley car of the Middle Village Line yesterday afternoon at Middle Village, Queens County, and the dogs were liberated. Some of the animals were so badly injured by the accident that they had to be shot. Those that escaped ran wildly through the village, causing great excitement among the residents. A report that a lot of rabid dogs were running about the roads caused the farmers and residents to arm themselves, and many started to pursue them. The majority of the animals made good their escape. The ambulance was in charge of Michael Martin of 946 Gates Avenue, his assistant being John Stover of 114 Lawrence Street, Brooklyn. Martin was driving his horses down Forest Avenue and turned into the village. As he was crossing the trolley track the ambulance was struck by the car with such force that both Martin and Stover were thrown to the ground. The force of the collision caused the doors of the vehicle to spring open, liberating the dogs, who sprang to the street and ran wildly in all directions. Six of the dogs were found to have broken legs and were shot. Martin and Stover were also rendered unconscious. An ambulance was called from St. Catherine’s Hospital and Dr. Allen responded. When he arrived, he found both were suffering from shock. Martin also sustained probable internal injuries, while Stover had a severe wound on the left knee and contusions of the tight ear and jaw. After their injuries had been dressed, they were removed to their homes at their own request. The ambulance was badly damaged; the horses escaped injury.

Brooklyn Eagle, July 8, 1910
Emil Meguin of Maspeth yielded to laughter when his father, John Meguin, was testifying in the Flushing police court yesterday against his wife, and Magistrate Connolly warned the young man to be more orderly. Meguin answered in a disrespectful manner and Judge Connolly fined him $10 for contempt of court. The case of the elder Meguin was dismissed. In the Flushing Police Court, yester-day, Joseph Forster, 20 years old, of Maspeth was told that he must marry Miss Minnie Bicklemann of the same address, or go to jail, on charges she preferred against him. He accepted the former and Magistrate Connolly tied the knot in the presence of Court Officer Frank Derrick and W. O. De Mola, who acted as witnesses. The bridegroom is a machinist and claims to earn but $9.50 per week.