The Christmas entertainment of the Middle Village Methodist Episcopal Church took place Wednesday evening in the Sunday School rooms. The church was prettily decorated with Christmas green and a large tree, which was trimmed with Christmas ornaments. The exercises included singing by the primary department, speaking, and a cantata entitled “Jack Frost.” The entertainment was one of the best ever given by the children, and great credit is due to the teachers of the Sabbath School. The scholars all received a present, besides a box of candy, and an orange. The Superintendent, Walter I. Browne, was presented a bronze inkstand. Rev. Arthur C. Flandreau, the pastor, was presented with a large traveling bag by the Epworth League, also with a small valise, inside of which was a goodly roll of greenbacks. After the pastor had recovered from his fright, he kindly thanked the members and friends of the church for their kind consideration as it was very acceptable and more than he expected to receive. Mrs. John M. Meyer, Lady Superintendent, was presented with a manicure set and the teachers all received a present.
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