That the Christmas tree used for the Christmas festival for the children In Trinity Lutheran Church, Maspeth, Was the prettiest ever seen in the church was the opinion of the members of the church. The pastor made a request of members of the congregations that when they were purchasing ornaments for their own trees, they buy one for the church tree. The results were most gratifying, and the cost was but a trifle to Each member. The Rev. William H. Pretzsch is pastor.
* Children in the vicinity of Fresh Pond Road and Catalpa Avenue are watching with interest the English sparrows that have selected a tree in front of the school for their winter abode. Each day the children throw crumbs to feed the chattering little feathery friends, and the tree has come to be known as the “sparrow tree.”
* Congratulations are in order for the members of the Christmas basket committee of the Atateka Democratic Club of Maspeth. The work they accomplished was splendid, and many of the section’s needy families are thankful for the Christmas cheer brought through the efforts of the members.
* During the holiday week, many children in the Glendale section enjoyed coasting down the hill leading from the Glendale police station. The snow packed on the steep slope was quite an attraction for them, and one of the officers noticed that they were using the stone steps for their slide As he gave the surest warning that the sport was not safe enough to be pursued, and the eager youngsters found other places for their fun.