A Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) aeration facility is planned along the shore of Newtown Creek on 47th Street in Maspeth. Originally, the property was to also allow for public open space, but the DEP later decided against it.

The leadership of Community Board 5, Borough President Melinda Katz and Council Member Elizabeth Crowley squawked about it and the DEP changed their mind. They now will allow a sports team to fund and maintain a field at the site.

The location is in a totally industrial area, next to Newtown Creek, which is a Superfund site, the land itself is contaminated and needs extensive cleanup to be used at all and sits across the street from garbage truck depots and transfer stations. Yet everyone seems to think this is a great spot to have kids running around. Crowley made the following statement: “Maspeth residents are also disadvantaged in that they lack access to sufficient open green space.” Well they’d be in a better position if she hadn’t botched the St. Saviour’s acquisition, wouldn’t they? This site isn’t at all accessible to the residential sections of Maspeth. Incidentally, Crowley provided $20,000 to Blau Weiss Gotschee Soccer Club in the 2016 budget, more than to any other athletic club or school. Expect a lot more taxpayer money to go toward building them a soccer field on a brownfield.