Dear Neighbor,

I appeared at your March 17th meeting with a dire warn- ing about Governor Kathy Hochul’s Housing Compact. I am pleased to report that on April 18th, Governor Hochul dropped the bulk of the “Housing Compact” from her budget bill. This was later followed by her nixing the blanket legalization of basement apartments and “Good Cause” Eviction. The NYS budget bill was passed on May 2 without any of it.

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN. Obviously, we will remain ever vigilant, as we can be sure that – in the long run – there will continue to be those who wish to destroy our communities for the sake of profit, not false promises of affordable housing and equity.

Now is the time for *all of us* statewide to start sitting down with our municipalities, elected officials, stakeholders, and other interested parties to discuss a *real* way to both carefully plan growth for our cities, towns, and villages when necessary and maintain quality of life and intact communities.
And let’s all make sure that, if possible, this never, ever happens again.

Paul Graziano