This Verizon box is located on Grand Avenue near the corner of Hamilton Place. Apparently, it met with misfortune back in November. Thankfully no one was standing on the platform when what looks like a truck collision happened. Damage by a vehicle explains the mangled metal mess, but not the appearance of the wires inside. A local resident who had been a Verizon employee for decades, upon seeing the photo, stated, “The company I formerly worked for no longer sees the need to do routine maintenance and repairs on their aging copper plant. That box has the ability to serve 600 individual copper customer dial tones. I am going to guess at least a hundred are still working. Usually older people, and small commercial customers stay on it.” Verizon is pushing people to instead sign up for Fios, which is something they may not be able to afford. A working phone line is a critical lifeline for the elderly and our small businesses don't need any increase in their cost of doing business. The condition of this box was called in by Ellen Connors on 11/27, so let's see how long it takes them to make the necessary repairs or if they bother to at all.
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