Update from the Commander

Greetings from the 104th Precinct!
I would like to wish everyone a happy summer and hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather. It has been about six months since I have been appointed the Commanding Officer of the 104th Precinct, and I have enjoyed every minute of my time here. Here are some crime trends we have seen recently throughout Middle Village and Maspeth.

In Maspeth and Middle Village, we have seen an increase of overall major crime by 6.8% for the year to date in each of these areas. When speaking on Maspeth, we attribute the rise in crimes mainly to an uptick in burglaries. During April and May we had multiple burglaries take place, all committed by one individual. I am pleased to say that your 104 Precinct Police Officers successfully arrested the individual responsible for all these burglaries. After further investigation, we were able to connect him to multiple burglaries in Brooklyn as well. Moving over to Middle Village, the increase here is attributed to the rise in Grand Larcenies. Many of our Grand Larcenies are the results of scams, not just locally in the 104 but throughout the city also. As you hear us say all the time, do not agree to give any types of funds to any person or company that you do not know. The past few months we have seen multiple roofing scams where an individual will knock on your door telling you that you need your roof repaired and that they are willing to do it. In instances like this, the worker will not do any work and yet demand more and more money. These types of scams have been taking place throughout Queens. Just this month, we were successful in making an arrest of one individual; however, there are still many scammers out there. We ask that you help spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors about this.