I’d like to express my concerns regarding the food pantry located at Caldwell Avenue and 80th Street. Since its inception it has been nothing but a nuisance. Our quality of life has diminished with the unsanitary conditions and pedestrian hazards it causes.

Others and I who reside on 80th Street are disgusted with these conditions. I’ve expressed my concerns with Mr. Holden, and he agrees that something needs to be done. We are tired of telling people not to lean on our cars or enter our driveways and walkways. Furthermore, it’s nearly impossible to walk down the sidewalk. And when they leave for the day, they leave behind discarded items on street and sidewalks.

In addition, it’s troubling to see high end SUVs pull up and load their vehicles with food. In my opinion a lot of this food is being resold in food markets and/or used in restaurants. (It’s not too often a family goes through a 20lb. bag of carrots weekly). I’m hoping with your forum and help, we can find a way to rein in this food pantry and keep Middle Village a great place to live and raise a family. Thank you.

Dan Young
Middle Village