Greetings all,

Here we are entering another summer, and we have another great concert lineup starting in July featuring some of your favorite bands. Thank you to our musical director, Gary Colter, who puts these events together for us. I also would like to remind everyone of the importance of voting. Our area has a lower-than-average turnout for primaries as well as special and general elections. The people who represent us shape our neighborhoods for better or worse and we have the right as citizens to make our voices heard at the ballot box. Our job as a civic is to hold them accountable when they don’t live up to our standards and their promises. There’s a Democratic primary coming up at the end of June and a general election in November. If you are eligible but haven’t registered to vote yet, it’s imperative that you do so. The future of our towns, city, state, and country is on the line.

Every vote counts. Make your voice heard.