A federal investigation into mail theft in Queens conducted by the United States Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General began this past January at my request. It revealed significant mismanagement in the deployment and installation of mail theft mitigation initiatives. The report also indicates that three local postal facilities failed to track and secure keys to green relay boxes. Nor did they properly track the installation of high-security boxes. Furthermore, they failed to maintain the condition of collection and relay boxes, contributing to the persistent theft.

The Office of Inspector General is an independent entity within the Postal Service. It oversees the integrity and efficiency of the nation’s postal system, ensuring the accountability and transparency of postal operations.

The inspector general’s report confirms what we have long known: mail theft is a persistent problem in Queens, but it is far worse than previously known. From checks and packages to prescriptions and personal information, the gross mismanagement by the Postal Service created a permissive environment for thieves to take advantage of borough residents. Local management must be held accountable.

Following this extensive audit that I called for, there is a clear lack of enforcement and accountability, as well as significant mismanagement in deploying all initiatives put in place to combat mail theft. The report provides specific recommendations to regional leadership in Queens, to properly mitigate theft and protect local letter carriers. I urge local postal officials to implement these recommendations immediately, and I will continue to monitor the situation and hold the USPS accountable until mail theft no longer plagues our communities.

Grace Meng
Member of Congress
6th Congressional District