Greetings from the 104th Precinct!

I hope everyone is having a safe summer and enjoying all the great things Queens North has to offer.

It was a pleasure to attend my first Relay 4 Life and National Night Out as the Commanding Officer of the 104th Precinct. Both had a great turn out and I enjoyed meeting many of you. I look forward to attending more events this summer in Juniper Valley Park.

The men and women of the 104th Precinct proudly serve you every day. They leave the stationhouse at the beginning of every tour motivated and ready to prevent and deter crime within the community. I just wanted to share a few quick tips that you can do to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of common crimes.
• Lock your vehicle doors at all times, even when parked in your driveway.
• Do not leave key fobs and other belongings in your vehicle.
• Be mindful of your belongings in public places. Do not leave bags or other belongings unattended.
• Lock your windows when not in your home.
• If you receive a phone call appearing to be from the Social Security Administration or a law enforcement agency asking for money or personal information, be it from a person or a robocall, it’s very likely that this is a scam.
• Lastly, as always if you see something, say something.

These tips can prevent the loss and inconvenience of property being stolen as well as keep you and your family safe.

We wish you all a happy and healthy conclusion to summer.