xposure to a high amount of diesel engine emissions is linked to many diseases, such as asthma and lung cancer. EPA certified Tier 4 locomotives give off far fewer toxic emissions and make less noise than the current antiquated locomotives that operate in our communities today. To help our communities, Governor Cuomo and New York State Legislators allocated $9,000,000 to the LIRR between 2012 and 2015 for the purchase of Tier 4 locomotives. These Tier 4 locomotives haven͛t yet arrived, after years of delay. Why?! Because LIRR entrusted the New York & Atlantic Railway to make a fair, objective, and unbiased evaluation of locomotive technology for a switcher locomotive with Tier 4 capacities and low noise. However, instead of procuring Tier 4 locomotives, New York & Atlantic paid much more for untested, prototype locomotives that are barely Tier 3 for most pollutants. This means tons of unnecessary excess pollution in the air that our families are breathing and will continue to breathe for the next 35-40 years! Senator Addabbo Jr., Assemblywoman Nolan, and Assemblyman Miller recently wrote to Governor Cuomo requesting that the New York State Department of Transportation and Long Island Railroad take control of the $9,000,000 and procurement of the Tier 4 locomotives. A written petition will be circulated at the next JPCA Membership meeting on March 3rd, or you can sign it online at this link: tinyurl.com/tier4locomotive
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