In March, Mayor de Blasio announced that he was directing all schools in the city to turn Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents away at their doors in order to protect immigrant children. When he was asked how many incidents have occurred that would prompt this action, he admitted there had been none. The press had a chuckle at his obvious attempt to score polling points by seizing on people's fears. But then he kicked it up a notch by claiming in May that an ICE agent showed up at PS58 during school hours “looking for a fourth grader” from the school and then bragged that DOE employees turned them away due to his wise new policy. The following Monday, Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina participated in a dog-and-pony show for the press outside the school and she and de Blasio soon ended up with egg on their faces when it was revealed that the agents were not from ICE at all, but from US Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency that processes citizenship applications. They were sent to verify enrollment information of a student in order to process a request for services. They had no intentions of speaking to the child or removing him from the premises. According to USCIS, “The officers were in plainclothes…identified themselves and presented credentials….They spoke to school administrators and left….They were not barred from the property nor asked to leave.” It's sad that the mayor of the greatest city in the world feels the need to create fake news in order to fire up his ultra-liberal base.