The Juniper Berry June 2013

The Juniper Berry June 2013 Cover

Our Next Meeting

Thursday, March 20, 7:30pm
Our Lady of Hope


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Greg Mocker told us yesterday that someone walking by as he was filming told him the the bus belongs to "the lighting guy from a club on Flushing Ave." The only club we were aware of on Flushing is th... See MoreSee Less

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Great find! I was actually driving by this monstrosity today. Owner of the establishment should pay a hefty fine for dumping this on the street.

good work I know this must have taken time ,effort and a lot of persistence

What an eyesore...

I remember hearing it in Sunnyside over the summer!

Thank you mother-in-law 💪🏼Alicia Vaichunas

Thanks Mom!

Thank you Alicia Vaichunas!

Thank you Alicia

Thanks Alicia!

Woop Woop

Excellent Alicia Vaichunas

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Don't forget, tonight's the night! ... See MoreSee Less

Forest and Metro Aves ... See MoreSee Less

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Saw this on Forest and Bleecker the other day. I am missing so much mail, it’s unreal. Why isn’t USPS doing anything?? Robert Holden Alicia Vaichunas can you help in any way?

We need to change the way we vote… big elections this year for our area….

This is why we haven’t been getting mail again. It’s the 3rd time they have done this to the same mailbox. No one cares. It’s disgusting

I’m so glad I don’t live in the city anymore. In Suffolk mail is picked up literally in the post office by the delivery person, on occasion when there’s too much to fit in their small trucks, they return to the post office to pick up the rest when truck is empty.

Someone just got locked up recently for breaking into the boxes but the USPS is not telling the whole story

Take it to the post office. The USPS has proven they cannot secure your mail on the streets

What a shame what did I go to Vietnam for for this call out the national guard declare martial law now God help us


Donald J. Trump

It’s starting again. 3 days no mail. I hope the USPS is closed down.The mail theft has been going on for 3 years and nothing is being done. Maybe if Schumer worried about his constituents instead of illegals and spreading lies about the president this would end.😡


Report mail theft or vandalism to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at or 1-877-876-2455

Grace Meng not fighting hard enough in DC for us, Call her office the number is 718 358 6364

Call 9-1-1 to have the 104 secure it.

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